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2006-01-07 - 10:11 a.m.

Clay�s Cong

A Love Story for the Ages
How the Beautiful Man Tamed his Beast

(editorial note: Honest to goodness, I didn�t intend to sound so smutty in my titles, but there�s really no way you can write about a man and his monkey without sounding smutty. My apologies in advance to anyone who isn�t familiar with the story of King Kong, my inspiration for this piece. Thanks to Clandy for asking me to take it a step further.)

October, 2002

The quiet young man showed up at his employer�s house, only to be told there was no more work.

"I�m sorry, Clayton, but my funding has run out. I can�t afford to pay you any longer."

"But what will I do? I won�t be graduating until the spring, and I need to eat between now and then."

"I�ve noticed you have an awfully nice singing voice. Can�t you do something with that?"

"I guess. I�ve sung at a few weddings. But this isn�t the time of year for that."

"Tell ya what. I�ve heard about an opportunity...Take this card with you to Atlanta. Can you get to Atlanta? There�s a man there who may be able to help you out. Don�t tell him I sent you."

And so the man drove to Atlanta, and sang for the man and his friend. They eyed him suspiciously, but thought that this Clayton fella might be just what they were looking for. Sure, he was rough around the edges, but there was no denying his talent. This mysterious man (he said he was a producer) could use the younger man for his own purposes, and then toss him aside when all was said and done. But...if he just happened to make him a star, he�d own him lock stock and barrel.

"Clayton, I have a proposition for you. I�d like to take you on a magical voyage, all expenses paid. You�ll have to give up life as you know it, and do everything I say without asking any questions, but I have the power to make you a star. Will you trust me and get on the boat tonight?"

The young man felt he had nothing to lose, so he got on that boat. The journey was fun, if a bit bumpy at times, and he made some great friends with many of the others who were literally on the same boat he was. Sadly, they lost a few members along the way, but the ones who remained sang and danced and laughed and ate and played a most confusing version of Simon Says every Tuesday, all the while entertaining audiences who could watch them from their television sets at home. The young man changed his name to Clay and always did as he was told, even if the shifty-eyed producer didn�t appreciate all his efforts.

The magical journey was nearing its end, and the young man was beaming with confidence that he was truly excelling in his work, and surely on his way to becoming a big singing star, when the boat mysteriously drifted off course and the entire crew found themselves in a most unexpected place�.

The dark, mysterious island looked deserted at first glance, but the young singer and his comrades soon discovered it was actually inhabited by a strange breed of people none had ever seen before � they wore the most bizarre outfits and jewelry, and they smelled as though they were rotting from the inside out. Suddenly, some of the islanders grabbed the young man and took him away from his friends! They fought valiantly against these unknown enemies, but they were outnumbered! The shifty producer seemed more concerned about creating a good story than saving the life of his young prot�g�, so he talked a good talk but saved the walk for later.

The young man could not believe how the tides had turned. Was he not a kind young man and a talented singer to boot? How could this be happening to him? The natives placed him in their traditional clothing and strapped him into a huge contraption that slowly lowered him to what looked to be the deepest depths of a fiery hell on earth. He screamed as loud as he could and struggled against his shackles, even though his release would mean a quick and painful death. He could barely hear his own screams above the chanting and drumbeats of the natives, and just as he was about to faint, a giant paw suddenly ripped him from his chains.

What was this beast? And where was she taking him? The man continued to scream and struggle against his new captor, even though he knew no one could hear him. His friends were now far, far away. They�d surely given him up for dead.

The beast continued to run with the man in her paw, as she carted him out of the jungle and up the side of a mountain. Her breathing became slower and deeper as she reached the top and stared at the beautiful young man in her hand. She dangled him over a pit, which the man could see was filled with the bones of those who�d been sacrificed before him. He looked the beast square in the eyes, defying her to do the same to him. She stared pointedly back, as she held just the collar of his shirt between her two fingers. And then she stopped. For the young man began to sing.

Oh yes. He sang like he never sang before. He let out a most magnificent glory note that was heard all across that island. His friends recognized his voice immediately and felt relief that he was still alive, and the producer admitted it was his responsibility to save him. But he also wanted the beast for himself.

The beast cradled the beautiful man in her paw again and took him to another mountain, far away from the rest of the creatures who inhabited her island. There were giant insects and worms and lizard-like creatures who regularly feasted on the rotting insides of the natives, but were even more anxious to enjoy whatever fresh blood any boats brought their way. The beast, which seemed to be a giant gorilla on closer inspection, had to battle several creatures during her journey with her chosen man. For all the creatures had heard his song and wanted their own piece of this mystical man.

They finally made it to the beast�s hideaway and Clay got a better look at his captor and protector. He decided to call her �Clorilla� and he did his best to entertain her. The Clorilla always enjoyed being entertained and could never get enough of his singing. When he got tired, he tried a little dancing or story-telling, and she laughed and beat her paws against her chest in joy. As the days passed, Clay would always sing for his Clorilla, but he would only dance on special occasions.

He had no idea how it happened, but Clay developed a strange affection for the Clorilla. He felt protected by her even when he never really trusted her. Could she possibly turn on him? She could be demanding at times but was also so appreciative. And while it seemed that her right hand always wanted to hold him high above her head, her left hand was always cradling his bum and trying to tickle him.

Much time passed and many battles were fought on Clay�s behalf. Clorilla successfully defended Clay against all enemies on the island, all enemies except one. For eventually the shifty producer made his way to Clorilla�s secret lair and took a sleeping Clay right out of her arms. He knew he�d only have a small headstart before the beast began to stir. For once she noticed Clay was missing, she immediately set off to find him. Clay struggled against the producer and his men, just as he had previously struggled against the beast. His only hope was to unleash his glory notes as a siren call to his beloved beast. He sang and struggled with all his might, as they slogged through filth and scum towards the very boat he arrived in. They could all hear the heavy breathing and anguished cries of the distraught Clorilla as she followed her beautiful man.

Of course, the producer knew this would happen. It was his plan all along. He wanted the Clorilla to himself. He had made Clay a star, yes, but he knew that the Clorilla wielded even more power. The Clorilla both amused and disgusted the producer; he called her a stupid animal right to her face, as he and his men tranquilized and shackled her and took her back to the mainland.

Clay was understandably upset by this turn of events, but no one would listen to him. He was happy with his Clorilla; why couldn�t everybody else leave them alone? He tried to move on without her, but his thoughts never strayed far.

Back on the mainland, Clay couldn�t believe it when he saw the producer�s picture on the front page of every paper along with his bloated promises to the public that he would show them something they�d never seen before. A most magnificent beast that could be soothed by the sounds of a beautiful young hero.

Hero? Was he really a hero, Clay asked himself? Or just a humble young man who enjoyed singing for a most appreciative beast? But who would play the part of the hero in the producer�s show? Clay would have nothing to do with it, but would the beast ever be soothed by another?

Of course the producer was shifty and he offered up a false hero. The beast was not tricked, nor was she amused. She broke free from the producer�s shackles and tried to find her real idol. She tore through the city on her quest to find Clay just as he began his own quest to find Clorilla. He loved her and he didn�t care what anyone else had to say about it.

As big as the city was, their mutual desire was even bigger. The two met up at last, and their reunion was tentative at first�.were the trust and affection still there? Were either one of them jaded by the events and opinions of the rest of the world? The giant beast picked up the man and carefully held him before her face. He stood in the middle of her palm and quietly sang one of her favorite lullabies. She brought him closer to her so that she could hear the beauty and longing in his voice. Her eyes became misty and she began to softly bang at her chest in appreciation. Her left hand even tickled him a little and he giggled more at the memory than the action.

The pair took off on a magical journey of their own. Clay sang for the beast, and she did her best to entertain him in return. Their relationship was not a conventional one, but they could make it work!

Peace was not theirs for the taking.

No, for the men who claimed to understand the beast and how to tame her, could not let her be. They figured her for a stupid beast that should either do as they say or not be allowed to exist at all. Clorilla cradled her beautiful Clay in her gigantic paw and carried him to the top of the tallest building in the city. They sat together and enjoyed a beautiful sunset, not knowing if it would be their last. The men were coming for the beast. As high up as they were, Clay and Clorilla couldn�t help but hear the tanks and the planes and the hail of bullets aiming for the beast. They clung to each other tightly as the planes drew near�


February, 2005

Clay woke up in a sweat.

Oh my god, he was just having a nightmare. The producer no longer had any power and the Clorilla was still his.

Wasn�t she?

He�d been asleep for awhile and he didn�t really know. Oh my god, was he taking her for granted? He looked at the calendar. Valentines Day was around the corner, and he knew just what to get her.

He called his good friend Jimmy who had a television show, then sent a secret message to Clorilla. She didn�t disappoint. She was so overjoyed to see her beautiful man again and she showered him and Jimmy with gifts and praises. And Clay was just as happy as he promised Clorilla something even more special.

He would give her a special secret playground along with a photo and a t-shirt. Furthermore, he promised to be an even better man in the future. He would give her even more Clack (her favorite treat), along with all new songs on a brand new CD. He also promised to write every week.

Clorilla was thrilled. And Clay treated Clorilla very well at first. He didn�t write every week like he promised, but he came pretty close and he shared some funny stories. And he sang for Clorilla, too. Spectacular songs in concert. He even dressed up and learned new dances to show her that every day was a special occasion.

But as the year wore on, he quit talking about the CD that he�d promised and he started to write to her less and less. Sometimes he just left a quick message about what one of his friends was doing when Clorilla really wanted to know about him! For a big beast, Clorilla was pretty patient, but she was getting restless and starting to pick at herself. Beyond that, she started to pick at Clay. Nothing too awful, but you never know how much trouble a giant gorilla can be until you have one for yourself. She may start by snooping around for pictures of Clay�s armpit, but before you know it she�s spreading rumors about him making out with a giraffe! (I even heard that the pinky toe of Clorilla�s right foot - you know, the one that cries Me Me Meeeeee! all the way home - was writing a tell-all book from her limited perspective, even though she�s never had much contact with the left hand and doesn�t seem to know where to find the eyes and ears. How much can you see from the bottom of a foot?) What�s next?


January 2006

Clay woke up in a sweat. Oh my god, he was just having another nightmare. Clorilla is restless, yes, he realizes that, and she�s itching to hear some new music soon. He should probably write to her and tell her what�s going on � just toss her a tidbit or two. The littlest thing seems to make her happy. But he also knows that the more he gives her, the more she seems to expect. Clay has learned that having a Clorilla means always walking a very fine line. He wants her to know who�s in charge, but he doesn�t want her to wander off, or heaven forbid, destroy any property. And as stubborn and annoying as she can be at times, he loves nothing more than to see her smile that silly Clorilla smile and hear her purr that sweet Clorilla purr.

Clay looks to his laptop across the room, and then stares back at his pillow, so warm and inviting.....

I guess the next step is up to Clay.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've just been talking about Clay in his bed and thinking about getting some stuff up, so I'm a little twitter-pated....

p.s. This is a work of fiction, completely inspired by King Kong. I have no idea how Clay really feels about the Clorilla, but I've taken the artistic liberty to romanticize it quite a bit, partly to stay true to the movie, and partly because it would be kinda nice. But as much as anybody may love having a giant monkey of his very own, I don't think he'd ever get used to the smell.

p.p.s. I in no way believe that the Clorilla is responsible for Clay's success, nor do I feel she must protect Clay from the evil producers and blood-sucking giant insects in the world. The Clorilla didn't make Clay, and the Clorilla can't break him.

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